After living in Tanzania for many years, we now live in the UK and support groups overseas as we continue to be passionate about seeing local churches transform their communities!

Sunday, 17 February 2013

Pizza with Cheese and Bellbottoms

The cheese-making was, I think, a pretty good first attempt! We all enjoyed a pizza treat with the homemade mozzarella. And then with the ricotta cheese made from the discarded whey, we had roasted ricotta aubergines! The texture of the ricotta wasn't quite right, but we'll work on it! We are planning to try halloumi this week, so I'll be sure to let you know how that one goes! I just think it is so exciting, being able to make cheese! Lucy too, is enjoying the challenge and I do hope we can pull this off and she can actually start making it to sell! And I should just note, that with the milk demand increasing, I can't deny a strong urge to get myself some cows!


Roasted Aubergine (eggplant) with Ricotta
Tim and Amisadai went to Magozi this week, while Louisa and I did just Year 2 work together. Tim and Amisadai took with them Jesca, a Tanzanian student, who is working with EI for a month. She has worked with us before, and is a brilliant help! We are hoping get her on staff when she finishes her studies. They also took Lexa, a potter from the UK who is helping at Neema Crafts for two months. She came along to see the project and offer some experienced advice on our clay.

It was great this weekend to Skype with everyone at the EI conference in the UK! The team gathered at Andy and Angela's house for pancakes (making up for the fact that we forgot it was Shrove Tuesday this week!) And then internet and power cooperated and we were able to see and communicate and pray with the group there.

And then we donned our 60's clothes, from rummaging in the second-hand clothes market in town. Friends were turning 40 and organized a huge Iringa-wide birthday party, so we were off to join in the fun! Go flower power bellbottoms!

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