After living in Tanzania for many years, we now live in the UK and support groups overseas as we continue to be passionate about seeing local churches transform their communities!

Thursday, 18 July 2013

Late Night Bishops, Stoves Fired and Quickly Off

After a busy couple of days in Iringa, we are just now heading back to Kimande. We had a great, albeit late and short visit with Bishop Charles (Mwanza) and a few other bishops travelling with him. We are excited about working with him in Mwanza when the time comes! The interview at the Diocese did really happen on Wednesday! And we had a good time with Jesca (who got the job!) and are looking forward to all being finalised and her coming to work with us as soon as possible! Tim had a full day off yesterday doing some translating work at the Bible College in Mafinga. He is enjoying an interesting project here ... which we will tell more about later! While he was doing that, the girls and I enjoyed a chilled out day with friends out that way which was a real treat! Also while we've been back, we worked with Lucy on new Cinnamon Bun Minis! So something new on the market again!
Bishop Charles (3rd from left)

We fired up the kiln here in town and have fired some stoves testing varying clays and also the fire chambers for the institutional stove that we will be building at the Magozi school later on. Here are a few photos taken at that slightly nervous point when the lid of the kiln comes off!

Time to take off the lid!

Checking the fired stoves!

So, it's bye for now! Headed off to Kimande, ready for a village meeting tomorrow. We will work on getting a good group together, ready to start next week! We hope the pits are dug and we can go and get some good clay to fill them up. I am also hoping to do more work on our keyhole garden and I'm sure there will be some more cake and bread making lessons! More about that next time .. I am loving this Wonder Pot from Kathy and this time I am all set to try Shepherd's Pie! Makes a change from ugali ... how exciting! I'm interested to see if a chicken has laid an egg in our house again while we've been gone! Last time we arrived, we found an egg in the corner and spent the first hours of being there chasing this chicken out of the house every two minutes!

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