After living in Tanzania for many years, we now live in the UK and enjoy working with Amigos Worldwide and Bees Abroad as we continue to be passionate about seeing local churches transform their communities!

Saturday 4 August 2018

Remember Us?

Yes, we are still here! There hasn't been a blog post from us since May! What can I say? has been a busy few months! And once out of the habit and behind on the news, it was hard to get back into it. I will attempt to revive it now! 

We have recently returned from a great week in Kenya which was a wonderful break after all that activity! We drove to Nairobi with two of the girls' friends (15 hours of fun, singing every song under the sun!) and dropped them all off at Camp BlueSky, a Christian youth camp, the following day. They had a fantastic week of fun and adventure with loads of other young people. We are so thankful to Tim's mum for making this possible for them! Meanwhile Tim and I escaped to Malewa for three nights and enjoyed the peaceful quiet in these beautiful hills! It was wonderful to stop and breathe, enjoy reading, walking and just being! It was just all over far too soon!

While in Kenya, we made the most of every opportunity and enjoyed the luxury of good coffee in lovely coffee shops … with croissants!  We also enjoyed the opportunity to be with the Deliverance Church Umoja in Nairobi on the Sunday we were there! We were so warmly welcomed and received; it was good to reconnect with people there!

Here are a few photos of our time away! And over the next little while, I hope to update the blog for those of you interested to hear what's cookin' in Tanzania! There does seem so much to share and be thankful for! Maybe I will start with the bees …

We watched the World Cup in a packed outdoor mall in Nairobi!

Louisa and her friend excited to start Camp!

The Prayer Labyrinth at Malewa. 
A beautiful reflective path to prayer and meditation
Enjoying the view at Malewa

Our tent on top of the world!
A real treat! A holiday fruitcake from our rationed dried fruit!

Feeling posh! Stopping for a coffee at a luxury resort on the way home!
Lake Naivasha


  1. So great to see your post and see your pictures! Glad you caught the World Cup and had a chance to relax & refresh before jumping back in to your busy lives. Much love, Karissa

    1. Thanks Karissa! Loads of love to you all too!

  2. So glad you guys had a fun few days together!


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