After living in Tanzania for many years, we now live in the UK and support groups overseas as we continue to be passionate about seeing local churches transform their communities!

Friday, 8 February 2019

Two More Goats and some Cheese

Look who just arrived this week! Meet Brunswick (in honour of our Canadian teammate, Laura) and Miss Alouette pictured here with Louisa!

Louisa with Alouette

Their grand arrival in the Land Cruiser
We have long been looking to get some more milking goats and Elisha helped us to find these two! Tim and Louisa went with him to collect the two goats and bring them back here to their new home. Brunswick's job as the only male on the property, is now to quickly make good friends with Alouette, Victoria and Vancouver! And then we wait for some more kids to arrive and the milk to flow!

Meanwhile we are continuing to enjoy Victoria's milk which is going to the Upendo wa Mama group for Goat's Milk soap and also into some fun experimenting with cheeses. We have enjoyed Butter Paneer, grilled Haloumi with tomato and basil and some nice soft cheese on crackers! It is quite amazing how quick and easy it is to make a round of cheese. Get it going before bed and it's ready the next day for tea!
Early stages of the Goat's Milk Cheese process: 
Curds in Whey

Straining the curds

Pressed and ready with some freshly home-baked sourdough bread

This was exciting!
 Some of our soft goats cheese on sourdough with tomato and basil
 served with some of our  freshly harvested sweetcorn!
The past few weeks have been ridiculously crazy busy with just so much happening … some hard challenges and some very exciting things and then rather a lot in between! (And sadly in it all, I think I killed my sourdough starter). But I will have to save more updates for another day as I am struggling to keep my eyes open here! 

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