After living in Tanzania for many years, we now live in the UK and enjoy working with Amigos Worldwide and Bees Abroad as we continue to be passionate about seeing local churches transform their communities!

Friday 15 March 2019

The Difference in where the Beans have Been

Meet this lovely group of people … the small church in the village of Chabakima!
A group photo by the CA demonstration plot
On Sunday, it was good to be with this church group again. Tim preached a great impromptu sermon after being told someone else was preaching … but plans changed! We went with Elisha, who also shared and encouraged the church in the Conservation Agriculture (CA) project we are working on together. After the service it was lovely to share lunch with everyone. Large pots of rice and beans were brought in, and a special pot of liver for us, the guests.
Elisha encouraging the church
We are working with Pastor Peter starting CA groups in this village. We started last year by forming a group of community farmers and a planting a demonstration shamba (crop field) beside the church building.

Things don't always go according to plan … as well we know! And that was the case with the demonstration plot. This year, after successfully harvesting their maize last year from their field intercropped with nitrogen-fixing beans and mulched to keep in the moisture, the pastor who really likes cassava just went ahead on his own and planted a whole field of solely cassava. No CA techniques used whatsoever. There wasn't much that Peter and Elisha could do then! But the interesting thing is the visual lesson that all can still learn ... the cassava planted in the area that had been selected and started last year for the CA techniques is flourishing! Right next to it the cassava planted in unenriched soil is really struggling. The difference where the beans have been is starkly incredible! So hopefully a lesson learned and the demonstration shamba will be better next year!

Cassava in last years CA section where the beans had been
Adjacent cassava struggling

After lunch, we went to visit the shamba of one of the group members. His son, Stephano, showed us how things were going. It has been another hard year with very little rain in Chabakima. But Baba Stephano has a great field of intercropped maize, beans, field peas and cassava. They are thrilled with the amount of maize they have just been able to harvest and with the project in general. They are excited to continue in the project and we hope that Baba Stephano will become a Lead Farmer helping other Chabakima farmers.

Stephano with Elisha at his shamba, with maize just harvested

Jack beans and Kunde (field peas)

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