After living in Tanzania for many years, we now live in the UK and support groups overseas as we continue to be passionate about seeing local churches transform their communities!

Sunday, 24 May 2020


On top of everything else going on right now with the corona crisis and the flooding in the area, one of our partner churches on Kome Island is suddenly dealing with another challenge. Emmanuel, our hygiene and sanitation trainer who is currently working on the island, told us the news yesterday of a devastating fire in Mchangani village on the island.

Fire sweeps though the wooden village
You may remember this village from previous blog posts, read here more about the village. It is a fishing village in a conservation area where permanent structures are prohibited, thus it is a village built of wooden shacks.
Leaving Mchangani for Ito Island during our visit in July last year.
It has been a very difficult time for this community. The lake is now at its highest in living memory (at least the 1960's) and access to the island is no longer accessible by vehicle since the roads are broken and underwater. The high lake water has flooded the church building.
Outside the church building
Inside the church building
And now this large fire has swept across the village, reducing a large proportion of the settlement to ashes. The fire missed the area where the flooded church is and where many of the church members live. Please remember this community in your prayers and also Emmanuel as he is there right now. We pray that Pastor Charles and the church could reach out to help their community at this time. The Ewing family are also seeking to raise some funds to help the church rebuild in a new dry location.

Photo credit: Global Publishers Tz

This was a heavily populated market area

Photo credit: Global Publishers Tz

1 comment:

  1. Though the church is passing a very difficult moment but Jesus will never let the people he died for, get in troubles.


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